INTRODUCTION to the ENMC workshop reports

The ENMC attaches great value to informing the community of the progress and results achieved at each ENMC workshop. Therefore, both a lay report and a scientific full paper will be written by the organisers of the workshop, in collaboration with all workshop participants. Patients and patient representatives play an important role in ensuring lay language is used and disseminating the lay reports within the public domain. In addition, updates and quotes from the workshop are regularly posted on social media.

The lay report is published on our website to inform patients and their representatives and is disseminated via several patient organisation channels.

The scientific paper provides an overview of all the workshop presentations and discussions and is highly valued by our experts network.


Authorship ENMC workshop reports

The production of a lay- and a full report is obligatory and should not be included in the deliverables of a workshop.

  1. For each workshop a lay report is expected to be produced by the organisers in close co-operation with the workshop participants. The lay report will be co-written or at least reviewed by the patient (and/or patient representative/advocate) to include their input. This lay statement should be provided to the ENMC office within two weeks following the workshop. It is encouraged that this lay report is translated by the workshop participants in several languages for local dissemination to patients and their families.
  2. Next to this, the full report on the workshop is expected within 24 weeks following the workshop. Travel reimbursements to the organisers will be done after submission of the full report to Neuromuscular Disorders and not later than one year after the workshop date. Young scientists who participate through the Early Career-Programme are required to take a very active role in contributing to (the organization of) the ENMC workshop that they attend and in the writing of the workshop full report. The goal is to reinforce their motivation and involvement in the NMD field and to provide an opportunity to learn these organizational and scientific communication skills from the more experienced organisers.

In agreement with Neuromuscular Disorders, the traditional four authors of the ENMC workshop report can now be extended with maximally two extra names of those Early-Career researchers who are proactive and efficient contributors to both the workshop and the writing of the full report. Thus, not all the young scientists who participate in a workshop will necessarily be included as an additional co-author, however all names will be automatically be added to the list of participants in the full report. Among the 4-6 named authors, reference will be made to the full list of workshop participants as “on behalf of the ENMC XXXth Workshop Study Group*”. In this way, all names can be found in PubMed as co-authors of the workshop report. The workshop participants/report authors will be mentioned in an Appendix under the asterisk.

Please refer to the separate section describing ENMC workshop report guidelines February 2024.